2018: Turnt Up
“Be More”
This is the direction I’m inspired to take my coaching practice. I believe expressing and creating from deep within will give us greater fulfillment and improves the world around us. Owning our purpose makes us healthy and happy.
It is my wish for everyone to Be More of who they are already. Resolutions are typically about improvement and change, but I think we’re all pretty amazing as we are. My only adjustment would be to turn up the volume a bit and amplify you. You’d become louder to yourself and to the rest of the world. So many of us aren’t sharing our gifts.
I hope you’ll find your voice in 2018. If you’d like to discuss this in depth then get in touch! Here’s how you might approach this.
There’s nothing to fix. When we meditate we may seek to understand ourselves and find clarity to embrace it. Often I will sit and practice clearing my mind to find peace, but sometimes meditating on a subject can bring awareness to an opportunity for growth. Some ideas for becoming more mindful in 2018:
-Can you be more present and prepared to give yourself to others?
-What are your beliefs about yourself and can you allow your limiting beliefs to evolve to open more to the possibility and joy in life?
-How can you free yourself to feel abundance in your heart?
Lean Toward Discomfort
Being more also means experiencing more of everything. Seek it to know the feeling of uncomfortable situations so you can power through to the other side having gained wisdom. Own your weaknesses as much as your strengths so you can grow and learn. Often the toughest exercises are the ones we need most of all.
Resolve to love yourself, your partner, family, strangers, friends and rivals. Love them so they may find peace and reflect it back into your life and beyond.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Thanks for being uniquely you.
Aaron Kaskowitz
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