Move It or Lose It?
The Summer is the time to feel and act young. With the sunshine and life bursting all around, everybody seems to want to get out and have an adventure. In addition to the positive impacts on our circadian clock from the ample sunshine, we become eager to move our bodies in different ways during this time of year. We have inputs from our environment helping us out, but we also benefit from motivation within us to do more. This desire for activity seems to bring greater energy and exercise capacity because by doing we are sending signals to our body to adjust to the new level of activity. Basically, if we act young and strong our bodies will understand the need to be strong and make the change to support our habits.
If we live a sedentary life and don’t send signals to our body to be prepared then we’ll probably allow for deterioration and loss of some ability. It seems to be that genetic expression and physical strength both play a role. We’ll activate our youthful genes and train our muscles, connective tissue, bones, etc. to take more of a load. So I’m planning to apply this principle in all seasons, especially since I’m lucky enough to live where it’s warm and sunny all the time.
I’ve spent a large portion of the last year doing low-impact exercise, but it seems that some heavier strength training has been lacking. I was afraid to push my body because I felt weak, but a small nudge without going too hard, may be just what I needed. In fact, ever since restarting my twice-weekly routine I’ve begun feeling better in areas related to my MS that have been bothering me for quite a while. I felt quite validated in my choice to get back in the gym after finding this article.
My routine for Day 1: squats, bench, deadlift. Day 2: squats, overhead press, bent over rows. I always incorporate some stretching and bar hangs to release compression in my spine from a lifestyle where I sit a lot. On days when I’m not in the gym I’ll meditate, do light yoga, bodyweight exercises and as much walking/hiking as I can find time for. And dancing.
Now I better take full advantage of the Summer and get out to the beach again soon! Feel free to send me an email with your thoughts and/or plans to take full advantage of your strength and ability. I’d love to hear from you.
-Aaron Kaskowitz-
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